4th February 2010 - GOD'S MISSION GIRL!

Hello Everybody,
I am officially an expatrion AND a missionary kid!
We came to Vanuatu on the 21st January and will be here till the end of next year when we will go back and visit friends and family in Australia.
It's been really hard so I wanna ask you to pray for me as it's the first time I've been so far away from my family and friends and even harder as my friends are all starting high school without me.
So yea, hopefully I'll be able to update about once a week (probably not more as we're coming to an internet cafe to get internet) and I'll get my faithful readers back.

10th January 2010 - THANKS AND SORRY!

Hey Everybody,
First of all I want to say:
I'm SOOOOOOOOO sorry for not updating regularly lately...it's something you'll have to get used to as I dont have much time on the internet at my grandparents and when I do I usually want to do other stuff.
Also I want to say thanks HEAPS for praying because it worked as we are now packed up and moved out of our house. And we even found someone to rent the place...they're moving in on Friday!
As well as that - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! And have a wonderful and prosperous 2010!
Fireworks are the BEST and if any of the designers of the fireworks at the harbour bridge happen to stumble across this site thanks for all your effort...I LOVED it.
Going in to see the fireworks taught me a lesson in patience.
You see, to actually get a good spot where you can see the bridge you have to get there (there, by the way, is 2 hours from my house!) at around 1pm, and as you should know, the fireworks dont start until 12am the next morning!!!!
So we were waiting about 11hours for 2 lots of 15minute fireworks. So that definately teaches patience!!!
Ok, well also I hope you had a GREAT Christmas and enjoyed spending time with your family and friends.
Lots and Lots of Love

16th December - PLEASE PRAY

I'd just like to ask you to pray for me and my family at the moment.
We're having a lot of 'lasts' and we're all very emotional.
Also, packing is hard work so mix those two together and it's not too happy.
So please pray that we'll try and have good attitudes and that we'll get all our work done ASAP.
Thanks loads

8th December - MEMORIES

I was just reading something my friend wrote and I thought the EXACT same thing.
Time is flying by and often we forget to stop and remember and enjoy.
So next time something great happens to you stop and just implant it in your mind forever....AND, most importantlly, thank God.
Ok cya

6th December - FUN

Well, usually when we're going through life we think it's kinda....hhmmm....BORING!
But as we get away from the normal routine (school, work) we find it otherwise.
I found this out as I went to 2 themeparks this week and although it's not God's original creation He put all the materials to build the rollercoasters in the earth so we could enjoy them.                      
So just remember God gave us life and He wants us to have fun.

25th November - GOD HAS THE REASONS

Well, if you've been reading my 'stuff to pray for' page recently you would know that my friend from church, Tim, had leukemia.
Now he has died. I am very sad as he was a great person and was only 29 years old. It was such a surprise death but in this sad time we need to remember that God has His reasons for doing things and that this was the right time for Tim to die...it was God's purpose.
Now, I don't know what His reasons are but He has them and I NEED to accept them.
And as my good friend said, God will give me and all the other people that are grieving peace.
Thanks for reading this

19th November - REASONS

Well at the moment I'm pretty sad.
"Why?" you may ask...well, it's because one of my REALLY good friends is going away for mission work in Cambodia and I won't get to see her before I go.
You see she comes BACK from Cambodia about 2 days after I leave...its really devastating.
But anyways, I've been thinking why does God make this happen? and I've come up with an answer for myself...because He wants to and it's the best plan  in the long run.
So yea, if something hard's happening to you just try and remember that.
Love yous

8th November - GIFTS

Hi all,
I've been performing (singing) ALL weekend and I've been reminded that we need to use our gifts to serve God and get his message out there.
So yea, I've got the opportunity to sing in public and so I can show God by the way I act AND what I sing about.
So this is just a reminder that whatever your gift is you can and SHOULD use it to spread God's word.
Well, yea, that's my insightful thought for the day :)

31st October - MOTIVATION

Wow, it isn't very often that I write in 'What's Going On' TWICE in one day. But then, this is a special day...well, not really.
Anyways, what I'm writing about is that today I was helping mum pack up the kitchen and I was heaps bored and miserable.
But then my cousin turned up and all of a sudden the job wasn't that bad. Her being there kind of made me feel like I should work my best and stuff...I'm not really sure why but she motivated me (thanks Ree)!
So the thing is, whenever you're doing a yucky job or something like that just think of something that'll motivate you to get the job done and you'll probably do your job much more cheerfully and most likely efficiently.
Because God loves a cheerful giver and being a cheerful worker means you are a cheerful giver because you are giving up your time for someone else.
So yea, just take that with you next time you have to unload the dishwasher or clean your room!
Ok cya


I was just watching 'Hannah Montana' and it was talking about Uncle Earl wanting to be a rockstar and Miley helping him do it and stuff. Well, anyway, Miley didn't want Uncle Earl to be the guitarist in her band because of this critic but in the end she let him do it to follow his dreams. So yea, the message with this is to look after your family and their feelings instead of worrying constantly about what others will think if you DO help them.
Ok cya,

27th October - SICKNESS

Well, I'm sick...again. Actually I haven't been too sick lately but anyway at school today I almost fainted and I was just feeling really sick.
I managed to get down to sick bay fine EVENTUALLY and then crashed as soon as I got there.
I eventually got to go home and I'm recovering very quickly and I'll most likely be well enough to go to school tomorrow.
But the point of this message is...God kept me safe throughout all this and only gave me what I could handle which is exactly what He promises in the Bible. So yea, trust in Him and he'll keep you safe.

25th October - SUNBURN

You all know (if you've read my previous entries on this page) that I've written about weather before. Well, I'm going to again. Ok so yesterday I had LOADS of fun water-skiing and biscuit-ing on my family's boat. It was possibly the last time we went on our boat because we're probably selling it before we go to Vanuatu. Anyways, it was a nice, sunny day and, as I said, had LOADS of fun with a couple of my cousins and my very own family. When I got in the water I was really cold at first but then I got used to it and it was nice. But the thing is, I didn't follow my mum's instructions and I foolishly only put on 1 layer of sunscreen the whole day. And so, I got sunburnt...UGGGGHHHH. It hurts especially on my shoulders because I put sunscreen on when I had my t-shirt on and then I took it off when I wanted to swim and then kept it off the rest of the day so I'm REALLY sore there. Anyways, the message in this is...um...follow your parents instructions because they're saying them for your good AND God created all types of weather so when good weather comes your way be THANKFUL.
Ok, that's it for now...sorry I didn't update yesterday.

20th October - SINGING

This thought came to me while I was wondering what to write. I was thinking all about my day but I couldn't think of anything worthwhile to write that you'd find interesting. Then I thought about choir and how much I LOVE singing. And then I thought about how many people don't like singing because they feel they can't sing. And then I thought about how some people don't sing praises to God because they don't think they should because they don't want to be embarrised. So that is how this very SHORT thought came to me.
Well, the thing is, we sing Christian songs FOR God and TO God. We don't do them to feel good about ourselves, in fact sometimes we can feel the complete opposite. But the thing is, if you think you can't sing and so DON'T sing, than you are depriving God of His VERY well-deserved praise. So just sing to God, and ONLY God, and don't worry about what anyone else says.

16th October - FAMILY...AGAIN!!!

Families are good for a LOT of things. For fun, for happiness, for hand-me-downs, for loaning that extra $2 that we just don't have and  most of all...for LOVE. I have been blessed with a wonderfully close and loving family and I need to be more thankful for that. Most of the time we don't really appreciate our families...we always pick on our younger siblings and get angry at our parents. But we need to be thankful for our family because while friends come and go our family will ALWAYS be there.

15th October - MINE!

This post is kinda related to the 2 posts before it. When I went shopping on Tuesday there were a lot of things I loved but couldn't get. Also with the photos yesterday there were many, many good photos of me and my brother and sister but they were SO expensive and we couldn't get them. It's ok to want something but being REALLY obsessed with something and doing WHATEVER it takes to get it and neglecting God because of it ISN'T ok. It's a sin. It's talked about in the Ten Commandments - Commandment no. 10 You shall not covet....anything that is your neighbours. You can look that up in Exodus 20:17 if you want to. So just keep your wants at a want stage instead of at a I NEED that or I'll die stage. And remember what you have...don't keep neglecting that to go back for more...appreciate what you have.

12th October - SEAGULLS

This is something I thought about a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time ago when I was trying to write a song (which never happened, by the way) but recently I remembered it. We are selfish, just like seagulls. If you've ever seen 'Finding Nemo' you'll know  what I'm talking about. We always go "MINE, MINE, MINE!" and never "yours, yours, yours". We are sooooooo selfish. So next time you do anything think about others instead of just yourself.
Thanks for reading!!!

12th October - THANK YOU

This morning I was watching 'Bear in the Big Blue House', yes I watch a LOT of little kiddy shows, and the little animals were talking about showing how much they appreciated Bear. So they made up this full on show song thingy saying thanks to Bear and highlighting all these cool things about him. It got me thinking that our parents or guardians or anyone who really cares about us do SOOOO many things for us and we don't really appreciate it. So every time someone does something for you just remember to say thankyou. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE FOR ME...you can say. But don't say it if you don't mean it. If you say it and don't mean it it is commiting a sin...lying. So just don't do that.

7th October - FAMILY

I've got a reasonably big extended family. To give you a number I've got 23 cousins.. I'm spending time with a couple of my cousins today and I just want to say thanks for being so great to me!!!
I've got a WONDERFUL family.
I'm just going to thank God for my family.

6th October - BAD WEATHER

When I went camping on the weekend I was expecting a weekend of  sun and fun.
Well, I got the fun part but it was raining basically the WHOLE weekend.
I was going to complain about the bad weather but then I realised that God makes the weather and that while we want a sunny weekend, there are farmers in the country who really need rain.
So I just got over it and had LOADS of fun the whole time, despite the rain.
So yea, just remember that.

2nd October - TEASING (FOR FUN)

Well, theres this friend right, and I tease her alot and she doesn't mind, she really doesn't. But sometimes I  can tell she gets jack of it.
Sometimes I go on about something too much.
I know that friend reads my site so I'm sorry, friend.
I asked God to help me to stop teasing her as much and I know He will help me.
So next time you are teasing someone or doing something to someone and you can tell they don't like it: STOP and be HAPPY and KIND.
It's as simple as that.
So yea,
Thats my insightful thought for the day!!!
I'll be at a camp till Monday night so I won't be updating this site SORRY!!!

2nd October - SCHOOL

Well, first of all I've playing netball today and my brothers playing soccer in a tornament against this one school. The day goes like this: PRIMARY - Junior boys soccer, Senior boys soccer, Junior girls netball, Senior girls netball, then theres HIGH SCHOOL - Junior boys soccer, Senior boys soccer, Junior girls netball, Senior girls soccer. And we just got a new netball court so thats cool. This is an all day event and I'm playing in the netball and its just going to be a really TRENDY (one of my BFF's favourite word) day.

Now, today is the last day of school...I can picture all you people out there going YAY!!!!
The thing is that's our attitude to school, we HATE it, its not a priviledge (NO WAY), it's something we HAVE to do.
But its not like that. It IS a priveledge, many kids in Africa and countries like that would KILL to go to school, we're the lucky ones, not them.
So next time you complain about going to school think about reading this.

1st October - GOOD ATTITUDE

Hi Everyone,
Yesterday I was really grumpy in the morning. I don't know why but I was just yelling at everyone and was just really crabby. That isn't a good start to a day. So on the way to the bus I prayed for a good attitude and it turned out I had a fine day. So remember to have a good, happy attitude today because if you have a good attitude you'll probably have a good day.

1st October - TEAMWORK

Yesterday I handed in my FINALLY finished group assignment. My group wasn't all my best friends and sometimes it was hard but we pulled together and made a REALLY cool course. Personally, I think our group worked the best TOGETHER. If you just have a lot of good individuals in a group project it doesn't really work unless all the good individuals come together to make a GREAT team. As they say "There is no 'I' in 'TEAMWORK'!!!
Ok, well thats just my thoughts on the matter.

29th September - LATEST TRENDS

I was just watching 'Pinky and Perky' and they were kind of talking about all the latest trends. First EVERYONE loved boxes, then they loved all things shiny and THEN the latest trend was furry things. And everyone went along with it because a tv star liked it. That's just a fun cartoon show but this is how it is in real life. If Miley Cyrus wears an off the shoulder top to a red carpet event than EVERYONE will go to their cupboards and pull out their's from years ago OR they will go to the shops and spend hundreds of dollars buying off the shoulder numbers. But fashion changes every season; can you imagine how much money that is. And seriously, what a waste of time going shopping when you could be spending valuable time with your family. And what about the poor people; everyone would tease them because they don't have the latest trends. But God loves us the way we are. You don't have to be fashion wise or technology savvy for God to love you. SO REMEMBER THAT!!!

28th September - MANNERS

I was at an international food fest today and before it we got this big lecture on being polite. I think it was a very good lecture because it was about respecting others. My teacher basically said that if someone brought in something that they eat all the time in their family and they really love it and then they see someone else pulling a face when they see it or taste it then not only are they bagging out the food, but you're actually bagging out the person who made and loves that food. This goes for anything, not just food. So make sure you are always polite and that you ALWAYS use your manners.

27th September - HAPPINESS

A LOT of people think that happiness comes with wealth, or the newest thing. And happiness does come for a short period of time but eventually a PS4 will come out or a new X-Box 720 will be released. So true happiness DOESN'T come from earthly things. True happiness comes from God. You can't be truly happy unless you have the Holy Spirit in your heart and Jesus walking beside you every step of the way.

27th September - PUNISHMENT

Ok, so sometimes you get punished for something you did wrong. It SHOULD happen. Everyone hates getting punished but it MUST happen. God commands parents to rebuke their kids if they're naughty and they, my parents at least, hate doing it but they do it because God told them to. They do it because they love us. So next time you get punished DON'T make your parents the enemy; know that they're doing it because they love you.

26th September - FRIENDS

I just spent my whole day today with one of my really good friends. We had SOOO much fun, we didn't really do much but just hanging out was great. It made me think, God gave me friends. Without friends I think I would be lost so I thank God for friends.

26th September 2009 - GOD IN THE MIDDLE

Last night I went to Youth Group and we learnt about keeping God in the middle of our lives.
Just because we like having fun, are involved in our job or are heavily involved in our relationships we shouldn't put them in the centre spot that is supposed to be left for God.
So you can have fun, but if that means basing how you are on how much fun you are to be around than you might be having TOO much fun and you need to go back to the Bible to see what God says about it.
Same goes for relationships and your job.
So just make sure you put God in the middle of your life and keep it that way.
Thanks for reading this...I hope it helps.
Cya Cinta

25th September 2009 - TOUGH TIMES

Well, this is my first website (which I made up today) so I'm pretty excited.
I love my life at the moment...lots of friends who I love, a nice house, GREAT family that's near to me, a nice, comfortable lifestyle and a great, Christian school to go to.
But soon all of that will change. I'm moving to Vanuatu where my family will be much poorer.
Thats not too bad, but I'll be away from all my friends and extended family (who I am really close to) AND I won't have a Christian school to go to.
This is HARD!!! You may be going through a time like this OR something completely different but something that is REALLY difficult for you. But you WILL get through it. God promises that you will.
So trust in Him and you will be alright.
Okay, thanks for spending time reading this.
Love Cinta xxx

Related Bible Verse: Joshua 1:9 Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid or dismayed for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.