Well, what would you do if someone asked you to go over to their place after church. You really just want to go home and rest because you've had a really busy week. But this person's trying to be really nice and you won't see them for a LONG time because they're going away for a while.

THE RIGHT THING TO DO: Well, personally I think that you should go to their place and receive their hospitality. They are trying REALLY hard to be nice and you need to appreciate their effort. But I guess it's a matter of conscience...I think it's whatever you think the right thing to do is.


What would you do if you've said you'd do a musical performance of some kind but then something that is WAY more fun comes up?
Well, you decide.

THE RIGHT THING TO DO: Well, obviously you've made a commitment to your performance and even thought it isn't as fun you SHOULD do it. God says somewhere in the Bible to make your yes be yes and your no be no. So if you've said you'd do something and then later on you don't want to you should still do it.


So your brother has been picking on your little sister and your parents think it was you. They think that because of your reputation of teasing her but this time it WASN'T you. You don't want to get the punishment but you don't want to get them more angry by making them think that you're lying.

THE RIGHT THING TO DO: Well, it's not fair to get in trouble when it wasn't  you. So what you should do is wait until your parents are finished and then say very politely that you didn't do it  but you get why they thought you did. Maybe you could even apologise for the times you have been picking on her and say that you're turning over a new leaf and aren't going to tease her anymore.


Think about this...
All your friends are going to this RADICAL late night party...they're planning for it to go all night.
Your friends are Christians so there wouldn't be any drugs or anything so your parents don't have that to worry about.
But your dad works non-stop and this is one time where he isn't working late.
He's said you can go to the party if you really want to but you can tell he really wants you to stay and spend some time with the family.
What do you do???

THE RIGHT THING TO DO: The right thing to do would be to spend some time with your family. You can go to a party anytime but your dad NEVER gets time off work to just spend time with you. He loves you and you can show that you love him back by rejecting the party offer and having some family time.


What would you do???
You have a close friend who told you their deepest, darkest secret. You agreed not to tell ANYONE!!! But another friend overhears and asks what you were talking about.
What do you do???

THE RIGHT THING TO DO: Tell the person who wants to know that you WOULD tell them but you agreed not to tell. And if they really want to find out they should ask the person themselves. You don't have the right to spread rumors about others, whether they're true or not.


Think about this...
You're just marking a maths test. Not a major one, but just a little end of topic test. The person sitting next to you is marking yours and you're marking theirs.
The teacher calls out an answer. Your answer is marked wrong because you forgot the decimal point in it. You've got 2 options, grin and bear it while admitting you are wrong OR lean over to the person and say "NO, don't mark it wrong...can't you see that tiny dot in between? My dots are just really little, thats all.

THE RIGHT THING TO DO: Well, obviously cheating is bad. You might try and justify it by saying"maybe I do have a tiny dot in there OR I just forgot it and its really little and I won't do it again." But it is still cheating. You can't justify doing the wrong thing. So you should just bear it, woopeedo, you got 1 question wrong, and learn for next time to remember the decimal point!!!


So imagine this...
You've got 2 pieces of your favourite chewing gum left in the packet and then one of your friends comes along.
You know that this friend is pretty poor and can't afford this special brand of gum. Your friend (lets call her Sarah) is looking longingly at the piece of gum in your hand but doesn't actually ask for it. Sarah might want it but it IS your favourite flavour and they're going to stop selling it next week. What do you do???

THE RIGHT THING TO DO: I think that the right thing to do is to give the gum to Sarah. She's your friend, she's poor and you can always get another stick of gum. Be generous and give.